Tuesday, 16 August 2011

St George's Paragon Steam - 4.0%

When I fancy a pint these days it's not straight down the pub at 5pm for me (although there are exceptions!) but I prefer shuffling down to the local around 9pm onwards to sample one or two pints from the ever varying six handpump selection.

It also has other benefits too. For example a beer may just come on one night and initial tasting suggest er, a big no thanks. But a quick one or two pint visit the following evening may suggest otherwise once it has settled in the barrel.

That certainly was the case with Paragon Steam, a 4% beer from Worcestor micro St George's Brewery. First impressions were that it wasn't too unpleasant with fruitish hints which may have been lychee or melon for all I know such was the confusion wrecked upon my tastebuds. Suffice to say it lacked a certain something and didn't warrant another.

However the following evening I gave it another go after a disappointing encounter with O'Hanlons Firefly. It had cleared up beautifully and the hoppy citrus taste was as clear to me as this golden American style steam beer was in the glass. It also had that sulphur smell I associate with beers whose recipes are based on yeast and hops which are used for lager. That may be off putting for some but to me that's the sure sign of an thirst quencher. Oh. Did I say two pints?

St Georges Brewery has a website but there is nothing to see. This is more interesting.

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